Large Volume Oligos
Large Volume Oligos
Large Volume Oligos manufactured by TAG Copenhagen. TAG Copenhagen is a leading manufacturer of oligos in Europe. We offer special discounts to large volume oligos.
We offer:
- High Throughput Oligos
- Plate Oligos
High Throughput Oligos
High Throughput Oligos are delivered in single tube format. Each of the ordered oligos can have a length between 15-60 bases
(no restrictions). There is a minimum Number of bases AND and minimum Number of oligos to comply with. Research projects
that require high throughput oligos can pay as little as 0,14 €/base. These low cost high throughput oligos go through our
high-level QC as any other oligo that we manufacture.
DNA Desalted:
- Deprotected & desalted
- Recommended for methods like PCR, sequencing and hybridisation
- Scale: 0,01 μmol
- Synthesis length: 15-60 bases
- Delivery form: Solid
- Delivered in single tube format
- No modification allowed
- Certificate of Analysis (CoA) follows
- Batchwise MassSpec analyses
- To be kept frozen at -18 C
- Average in-house turnover time: 1-2 working day
Delivered in a single tube format; 10 nmol Desalted
# bases | # of DNA Oligos | Production time | Price per base (in DKK) | Price per base (in EUR) |
30001-6000 | 101-200 | 1-2 days | 1,50 | 0,20 |
6001-12000 | 201-400 | 1-2 days | 1,43 | 0,19 |
12001-24000 | 401-1000 | 2-4 days | 1,35 | 0,18 |
24001-60000 | 1001-1500 | <1 wk | 1,28 | 0,17 |
60001-90000 | 1501-4200 | 1-2 wk | 1,20 | 0,16 |
90001-250000 | 4201-8000 | 2-3 wk | 1,13 | 0,15 |
>250001 | > 8.001 | 3-4 wk | 1,05 | 0,14 |
Delivered in a single tube format; 40 nmol Desalted
# bases | # of DNA oligos | Production Time | Price per base (in DKK) | Price per base (in EUR) |
3001 – 6000 | 101 – 200 | 1-2 days | 1,95 | 0,26 |
6.001-12.000 | 201-400 | 1-2 days | 1,88 | 0,25 |
12.001-24.000 | 401-1000 | 2-4 days | 1,80 | 0,24 |
24.001-60.000 | 1001-1500 | <1 wk | 1,73 | 0,23 |
60.001-90.000 | 1501-4200 | 1-2 wk | 1,65 | 0,22 |
90.001-250.000 | 4201-8000 | 2-3 wk | 1,58 | 0,21 |
>250.001 | >8.001 | 3-4 wk | 1,50 | 0,20 |
Important information
Volume order means e.g. 3.001-6.000 bases and 101-200 oligos per order.
Plate Oligos
Plate Oligos from TAG Copenhagen are delivered to universities, hospitals and pharma/biotech across Europe at low cost. Buy high
troughput plate oligos and pay as Research projects that can use plate oligos can pay as little as 0,13 €/base.
All our plate oligos go through a double OD measurement QC as any other oligo that we manufacture. In addition, our plate oligos
go through a batchwise selected quality control by LC/MS MassSpec. Plate oligos that do not meet required quality standards, are re-synthesized as a guarantee, so our customer can rely 100% on their products.
DNA Reverse Phase Column Plate Oligos
- Deprotected & desalted
- Recommended for methods like PCR, sequencing and hybridization
- Synthesis scale: 0 ,04 μmol
- Delivery form: Solid
- Delivered in a 96-well microliter plate
- Minimum order: 48 oligos
- Oligo length: 15-60 bases
- Oligos should be similar in length and composition
- Modification allowed
- Certificate of Analysis (CoA) follows
- Double OD measurement
- 100% Quality Controlled (QC) by MassSpec
- To be kept frozen at -18 C
- The plate oligo price depends on your volume
Delivered in well plate format (96); 40 nmol Desalted
# bases/oligo | # of DNA Oligos | Production time | Price per base (in DKK) | Price per base (in EUR) |
15-60 | 48-96 | 1 | 1,40 | 0,19 |
15-60 | 97-192 | 1-2 days | 1,35 | 0,18 |
15-60 | 193-288 | 1-3 days | 1,28 | 0,17 |
15-60 | 289-384 | 1-3 days | 1,20 | 0,16 |
15-60 | 385-480 | 2-4 days | 1,13 | 0,15 |
15-60 | 481-576 | 2-4 days | 1,05 | 0,14 |
15-60 | 577-672 | 2-4 days | 0,98 | 0,13 |
High quality plate oligos
We manufacture with DIN EN ISO 9001:2015. Our plate oligos is a comprehensive flexible service adapted to any
customer’s need. Plate oligos are manufactured in a top modern state-of-the-art DNA synthesis lab. Our employees have a long
track record in the production of oligos with special attention on traceability, maintenance and calibration programs, supplier
evaluation, lot release and QC.
How to order:
Please contact our customer service when ordering plate oligos.